Title: Conflict of Interest Policy


1. A Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement shall be filed by each member of the Board of Directors upon joining the board and at least annually thereafter.

2. The statement will identify all direct affiliations with agencies applying for United Way funding and any indirect relationships with such agencies which could affect the individual’s ability to render an objective decision regarding funding. It will also identify all direct and indirect financial interests in any for-profit companies currently conducting business with United Way.

3. Any person having such direct affiliation or indirect relationship with an agency being considered for United Way funding shall also disclose the relationship at the time funding is being considered. Such person may participate in discussion regarding the facts associated with the funding request, but shall not advocate for or against the funding in question and shall not participate in decisions regarding the funding.

4. Any person who at any time believes he/she will not be able to render an objective decision regarding funding being considered for any agency, whether or not it is included in the Conflict of Interest Statement, shall so declare at the time such funding is being considered.

5. Any person having a direct or indirect financial interest with a company conducting business with United Way shall also disclose the relationship at the time the company is being considered. Such person may participate in discussion regarding the facts associated with the company, but shall not advocate for or against the company in question and shall not participate in decisions regarding that company.